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4th house- The house of comfort

4th house is analysed for private aspects of life. It is house of mental peace, property, Land, vehicle or any other comfort necessary for peaceful existence of human life. It is the house of Nourishment and fulfilment of basic needs. Moon and Venus get directional strength in this house as moon signifies the mother and venus , the various comforts of life.In Mundane astrology, 4th house signifies the parliament and home country. The Involvement of 4th house with 11th house of Gain is a powerful Dhana Yoga. The native with similar combinations is destined to achieve greatest comfort in life. However, an afflicted 4th house makes a person settled away from home town. which was of course a curse in olden days. But Today, globalisation has changed the scenario. Who does not want to settle in US, UK…? So it is a boon in disguise.